Sunday, May 22, 2016

~Not so great, but it's life

The other day I was working Sheika and asked Tash if she would come out and video a bit...but unfortunately Sheika wasn't doing the greatest because all the horses were at the other end of the pastures and she was working on having a complex. Ok she wasn't terrible. She just wasn't listening like she should. So I was kinda hesitant to put these on and show y'all but...I guess I will. Thats life right? We can't be perfect all the time. ;D (That was just a joke.) So here is Sheika's most recent video.
Note to self: don't lunge while wearing spurs.
I caught myself all up at least once! I was like "For pity sakes!" Do you know how to lunge or not? I guess I don't usually wear spurs when I lunge.
I also rode Kat and she did really good. I even got her to sidepass over a little log that was directly parallel to her. Not down the log but all four feet stepping sideways over it. I had never tried that before.
So that's some of what I've been up to.
Anybody been riding much lately?

Monday, May 2, 2016

~Prove it~

I love the quote:
 "If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you."

I hope it makes you think. Nowadays it seems that as long as you go to church occasionally and try to live a relatively moral life, you're going to heaven! Unfortunately, I've never seen that in the Bible.
It does matter how we live. Our relationship with God is the most important thing. We can't just be good enough. We need to be holy, we need to be sanctified. Everything just keeps coming back to sanctification.
Sanctification: To make free from sin; to set apart as holy; to consecrate
So, if I am sanctified:
I will be set free from the power of sin, and walking in newness of life.
I will be set apart as holy, not conforming to this world.
I will be consecrated, not living for myself, but for God.
Living a sanctified life is living in a way that radiates God's power to everyone around you. People won't have to ask whether you're a Christian, they'll know!
Now I'm not saying you have to be perfect, always loving, always forgiving, never falling, never failing... no. Those things will happen because we are human and our natural inclination is to sin. But we don't have to be held by that. We need to be changing, not perfectly, but increasingly. Always moving upward and onward to a new and better relationship with God.

If your faith hasn't changed you
           It hasn't saved you.